Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 Samuel 5a

This chapter is fairly long, so we are reading it in two days. We want to really absorb what is being explained.  There were many wonderful lessons, but this is my *pearl*:

So often the Lord tugs at your heart, places desires and thoughts in your mind, things you know He would want you to do.  Maybe those things are to talk to a neighbor about Him, teach a Bible study, hold a seminar to fellowship and share His word, or reach out to co-workers. 

Soon you start hearing the tauntings of the enemy saying *Who do you think you are?  You are blind!  You are lame!  There is NO way YOU can make an impact!*  If this is where you find yourself ... You are in a perfect position to be blessed!  It was especially the blind and the lame whom Jesus healed!  Jesus says, I have healed your blind eyes and lame feet. Now look to Me and step out because there are people, families and cities I want to claim through YOU. 

He is talking to me and He is talking to you.  As long as your heart is pure and you desire to serve Him, He will use you and me!  So do not ignore that tug at you heart - it is the very voice you long to hear!

Under His guidance and protection go out there and do what He is asking of you!

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