My Prayer for You!!

Lord I thank you for giving me the full armor of God which will protect me today. As I put on the armor I seal this act in the blood of Jesus. I place a hedge of protection around myself, my family and my friends today. I ask today that you dispatch warring angels, ministering angels, guardian angels, and messenger angels to establish around us to guard and protect us so that we can accomplish all that You ask us to do. Lord I consider it a privilege to love and serve you and I declare with my mouth that there is none like you. I love you with all my heart, you are a good Father. May my life be pleasing to you. I worship you in spirit and in truth. AMEN

Father I come to you this morning to put on the full armor you have provided me, as described in
Ephesians 6.

Father this morning I put on the helmet of salvation to guard my mind today. Guard what I think, hear, see and speak and I subject every thought to the blood of Jesus. Help me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Today I give no place to the enemy in my mind. I declare today that I have the mind of Christ according to your word.

I put on the breastplate of righteousness to guard my heart, my will and my emotions. It is not my righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ through what He did on the cross. Today I will be righteous by the blood of Jesus. Father protect me from reacting to circumstances and people emotionally. Let me respond with my spirit, not out of my emotions.

Father I grid my loins with truth. Jesus you are the Truth - Satan you are a liar. Today I choose to believe the truth about who God is and who I am in Christ. I am a child of God, joint heir with Christ. I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. I have been healed by the stripes He bore for me on His back on the cross. I have been filled with the Holy Spirit and today I will live a victorious life according to the Word of God which is truth.

Lord, today wherever my feet take me, I will share the good news of Jesus. I will use my life to be an expression of your deep inner peace. Your word says, "Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Today I will bring the good news of Jesus and the power of what He did on the cross to a dying and hurting world.

Father today I take up the shield of faith which will, according to your Word, quench the fiery darts (occacional thoughts) of the enemy. The shield will not only stop the fiery darts and flaming arrow, but as I choose to stay behind the shield in humility I will be protected from every assault that comes against me. Today, I declare with my mouth that You, O Lord, are the only true and living God and my faith is in You and You alone.

Lord, today I take up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. It is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, which cuts in both directions. Today I choose to use the words that come out of my mouth as a sword to effectively tear down strongholds which Satan has built up. Your Word says that life and death are in the power of the tongue, so today I choose life and I will use my words with caution so as not to harm people but to destroy Satan's stronghold and schemes. Lord put a guard upon my lips that I may not sin against Your or others. I thank you for the sword of the Spirit which is my offensive weapon. Lord use me today to effectiely tear down Satan's strongholds.
